Maternity and Sick Pay Calculator
Have you had to take some time off work, for illness, maternity / paternity leave or some other reason? Enter the details below according to your employer's leave policy and the calculator will estimate the impact on your payslip. Important! The calculator does not know what you are entitled to, that will depend on your employer's policy.
Your Details
How to use the Maternity and Sick Pay Calculator
Enter your annual salary in the field above, and select how frequently you get paid, and how many days per week you work.
If you have some leave paid at a fraction of your normal pay, you can enter the number of days and the rate at which you get paid (e.g. 50% for half pay). You can do this for 2 different rates of pay in a pay period.
If you are entitled to Statutory Sick Pay, and your employer's policy means you will receive it, enter the number of such days in the Statutory field. More information about Statutory Sick Pay is available from Citizens Advice.
Similarly, if you are entitled to Statutory Maternity / Paternity Pay, enter the number of such days in the Parental Leave field. Note that, currently, statutory pay for the first six weeks of maternity leave is 90% of your average weekly earnings - for this period, use the 90% pay field rather than Parental Leave. More information about Statutory Maternity Pay is available from Gov.UK.
If you will have some unpaid leave, enter the number of days in the unpaid leave field.
Enter the rest of your details (such as tax code, pension, etc) into the advanced options if necessary, and press the "Calculate!" button.
Important! These results are based on the information that you enter, and it is not guaranteed that your employer's leave policy matches what you have entered. Not all employers calculate the effect of reduced pay the same way, so the calculator's results may not match exactly.