Pro-Rata / Furlough Tax Calculator
If you are changing to part-time work or are considering a job where the salary is worked out pro-rata, use the pro-rata Salary Calculator to see how your take-home pay will be affected. You can also enter a percentage of your full salary, if your pay is being reduced (e.g. due to furlough). It will calculate your new salary, which will be shown as the Gross Income amount:
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How to use the Pro-Rata / Furlough Salary Calculator
To use the pro-rata salary calculator, enter the full-time annual salary in the "Full-time Salary" box and the number of weekly hours that are considered "full-time" into the "Full-time weekly hours" box. If you are working out the new salary by number of hours worked, enter the pro-rata number of weekly hours into the "Pro-rata weekly hours" box. If you want to see a percentage of your current salary, enter that percentage into the "% of full-time salary" box.
Find out the benefit of that overtime! Enter the number of hours, and the rate at which you will get paid. For example, for 5 hours a month at time and a half, enter 5 @ 1.5. There are two options in case you have two different overtime rates. To keep the calculations simple, overtime rates are based on a normal week of 37.5 hours.
New! If your main residence is in Scotland, tick the "Resident in Scotland" box. This will apply the Scottish rates of income tax.
If you know your tax code, enter it into the tax code box for a more accurate take-home pay calculation. If you are unsure of your tax code just leave it blank and the default code will be applied.
If you have a pension which is deducted automatically, enter the percentage rate at which this is deducted and choose the type of pension into which you are contributing. Pension contributions are estimates, click to learn more about pension contributions on The Salary calculator.
If you receive Childcare vouchers as part of a salary sacrifice scheme, enter the value of the vouchers you receive each month into the field provided. If you signed up for the voucher scheme before 6th April 2011, tick the box - this affects the amount of tax relief you are due.
Select your age range from the options displayed. If you are married, tick the "Married" box. Similarly, tick the "Blind" box if you are blind.
If you do not pay National Insurance, for example, if you are over State Pension Age, tick the "No NI" box.
New! There are now three repayment methods for Student Loans, which are known as Plan 1, Plan 2 and Postgraduate Loans. If you are repaying a student loan for a course which started before 1st September 2012, tick "Plan 1", if you are repaying a student loan for a course which started on or after 1st September 2012, tick "Plan 2". If you are repaying a loan for a postgraduate course, tick "Postgraduate".
You can now choose the tax year that you wish to calculate. By default, the 2024 / 25 tax year is applied but if you wish to see salary calculations for other years, choose from the drop-down.
When you're done, click on the "Calculate!" button, and the table on the right will display the information you requested from the tax calculator. You'll be able to see the gross salary, taxable amount, tax, national insurance and student loan repayments on annual, monthly, weekly and daily bases.
This is based on Income Tax, National Insurance and Student Loan information from April 2024. More information on tax rates here.